You know that saying, "If you build it, they will come?" Well, that is not exactly true. Thousands of authors try their had at publishing their stories every year, and some of them don't ever sell a single copy. Publishing is only the first step onto the rollercoaster that I like to call "authorhood"
I think that every author assumes that publishing is the hardest part of being an author. And while that may be true for those who sign with a traditional publisher, that is far from the case for those who self publish. While publishing comes with a great sense of pride and satisfaction, those feelings are quickly followed by a sense of anxiety and uncertainty.
How do I put myself out there to be able to sell my book? Where do I advertise? How much money do I put into advertising? How do I get into schools, stores and other venues? There is so much information out there, and sifting through it all can be overwhelming. This sense of uncertainty can be enough to make a new author quit without making a single sale.
I feel all of these feelings every day as I try to learn new ways to actually make money as an author, but one thing I have learned is that people like when you tell your own story! People are much more likely to purchase your book when they know who they are supporting! What have you been through that someone else has been through? How can you connect personally with someone so that they want to support you and your new business? I know it might seem uncomfortable, but talk more about you and your why and people will want to be a part of your journey!
I think having realistic expectations and learning a little bit each day is the key to success. Don't give up when things get hard or when sales take a dip. Try something new! Take a free class on YouTube, make your first reel on instagram or Tik Tok, write a blog or walk into your neighborhood store and ask if they would like to carry your book! Talk about yourself and connect with others within your community. As long as you make slow but steady strides, you will be where you want to be in due time.
Self publsihing is a wild ride, but it can be full of exciting twists and turns if you simply persist! So get put your self out there and get to it!
P.S. This blog is written for me as well.